The funniest thing is the transition between Winter and Spring or Summer and Autumn. The one I find the most irritating is the one from Winter to Spring - ie. right now. Why buy jumpers when it's about to get warm? How many layers do you really need when you leave the house? Do you need your big coat or just a normal one? Two pairs of tights? The list goes on. So, these are my top things for this weird transition. Funnily enough most of it is grey/black. How spring-like.

Stripes, flat boots, cape cardigans that go perfect over long sleeved tops for layers, mom jeans (a nice change from skinny jeans) and a tartan scarf that adds a bit of colour. Nude lip, or a bold - I'm partial to a little bit of both, a rich body butter because the change in weather seems to just make my whole body super dry and finally a little lift for your roots. Simple and easy to layer up or dress down.
I find this time of year a little tricky. The sun never stays long enough to make a difference or warm you up, it rains a lot, there's sometimes a little snow storm and while it's getting lighter in the evenings, it's just miserable that it's pitch black at 5/5;30pm when really it's been kind-of-dark all day. I think the light and the sunshine has a strong influence on my work ethic as well. At this time of year my motivation seems to take a nose dive - not preferable when mocks are next week and exams are not actually that far away.
Do you suffer from this too? A struggle with clothes and motivation. Girls, eh?
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